Are you ready… for business growth? – white paper - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

Are you ready… for business growth? – white paper


Are you ready… for business growth?

Let’s show you how to use technology to realize business growth!


Make life easier with Mobile

More and more of your customers are accessing their resources on their mobile devices. Are you interacting with them there? Or the old-fashion way. There are many ways to “go-mobile”. Many business engagements are taking place via text messaging or other messaging apps. Many people are paying for their goods or services via mobile payment platforms like Apple Pay, Venmo, or Paypal.


Do your research, but be ready to move quickly when necessary

Time is a precious commodity. Many companies are making split decisions every day to try and gain a competitive advantage. They have developed a fail fast methodology and have structured their companies so they can quickly and easily pivot. If you have large amounts of overhead and infrastructure to maintain, your ability to pivot quickly can be an issue. Hint: Cloud services help fix this issue! 🙂

Leverage the power of Cloud services

Moving as many of your services to the cloud could be the single most important strategy to staying competitive. Using cloud technologies eases day to day operations, reduces costs and ineffciency, increases productivity, and boosts mobility. If you haven’t started yet, start moving services to the cloud!

Productivity Tools are a life saver!

Maximizing your efficiency through the use of productivity tools is one of the best business growth strategies you need to leverage. Being able to get more done in less time means a lot to your business. And guess what are the best productivity tools… Cloud services!!! Things like Metropark’s MPVEX PBX in the Cloud, Collaboration apps like Boomea, and other tools like Google Drive and Microsoft Office 365 are enormous time saving solutions!

Integrate your systems

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software helps in managing your sales, marketing, accounting, human resources, distribution, manufacturing, and orders. On the other hand, Customer relationship management (CRM) software helps your sales and marketing departments to understand your customers, identify new opportunities, automate marketing processes, and improve customer support.

Businesses that are using both of these systems can simply integrate them to optimize operations and enhance efficiency. This integration will give you a 360-degree view of your customers thus helping you to re-define your business growth strategies. You get a closer view to your customers’ needs, order history, habits, and preferences. It also helps to eliminate manual tasks thus boosting productivity through streamlining processes and automating your workflows. The long-term benefit is that you are able to identify new opportunities for growing your business.