Blog – Disaster Avoidance - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

Blog – Disaster Avoidance

Disaster Avoidance 

All businesses today are critical. Whether critical to some or critical to many, you understand you must keep your business up and running at all costs. Not many things are more important to your business than keeping the lines of communications to the customers and vendors open. When a business owner is standing in his flooded office plex, or has her building hit by a truck or tornado, we all see how difficult business ownership can be in the face of a disaster — natural or otherwise. Thus, one key concept all business owners should always be considering is Disaster Recovery. At Metropark, we believe businesses should instead focus on Disaster Avoidance

Disaster Avoidance can be practiced by eliminating single points of failure and moving your critical lines of communications (phone lines and emails) to an off-site data center which is duplicated in multiple zones throughout the U.S. (the ‘Cloud’). This allows your phone system to still take customer calls, routing them to cell phones (or other IP phones at strategic locations), even if the entire administration office were to be ‘swept away’ in a disaster of any sort. Customers and Vendors may never know you had a disaster — only because you planned ahead using Disaster Avoidance. 

Some other items we believe belong on a Disaster Avoidance list:
  1. Business Phone lines
  2. Fax Lines
  3. Email
  4. Business Chat
  5. Business SMS Text
  6. Company Data
  7. Company Access to Data Remotely
Types of potential disasters to plan ahead of:
  1. Natural Disasters – floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning etc.
  2. Gas – leaks, explosions
  3. Electrical – fires, non-plenum toxic smoke
  4. Water – sewage, storm sewers, sprinklers
  5. Building faults – roof cave ins, foundation evacuation

In summary, if your phone system, your email server, and your company data all exist at a single point of failure in your office, you are making a gamble that nothing disastrous is going to happen. 

Alternatively, if your phone system, email, and company data is redundant and in the cloud, you are already practicing Disaster Avoidance and have set your company up for important peace of mind should an unfortunate disaster strike. 

Learn More About Disaster Avoidance

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