IMS Policy - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

IMS Policy

IMS Policy

Businesses in and around St. Louis have generated new revenue while conserving cash through IMS Barter for over 44 years. Originally founded as National Commercial Exchange, a founding member of the National Association of Trade Exchanges, and later acquired by International Monetary Systems in 2011, IMS Barter St. Louis serves a growing and thriving area business community while giving them access to new customers not only in the St. Louis area but also across 54 markets in the U.S. and Canada.

As a participating member of International Monetary Systems (IMS), Metropark allows for new customers to find extra cash savings by paying a portion of the quoted items using IMS dollars. Regrettably, monthly services can not be paid using IMS barter. Metropark has hard cost on services so we do not allow for IMS barter to pay for monthly telecom services. If you are a new customer or an existing customer, have a new project which includes labor or material and want to use IMS barter, please let your Metropark Sales Representative know you wish to use IMS barter.  We will include the IMS total amounts which can be used on the quote/sales order.  Please provide your IMS Barter number at time of your request.