Metropark Domain Policy - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

Metropark Domain Policy

Metropark Domain Policy

Metropark Communications provides domain and email hosting for your business. Since we support all levels of your business communications, we make sure that your data, voice, wireless, and web traffic is supported and cared for equally so as not to interfere with one vital business communication need over another. We are very focused at ensuring that everything flows properly in your business.

A domain name can be simply described as your name on the web. is our domain name.

Metropark’s experienced technicians and engineers will work directly with you in bringing over your existing domain or assist in creating a new domain. Metropark then becomes your landlord on the web, which is called hosting your domain on our servers. A standard small or medium business will use about 5 Gig of bandwidth (traffic) in a normal month and use less than 5 Gb of website and email storage during a normal month.

We’ve developed a very easy hosting solution for our customers. We provide several packages full of Rich Features with pricing starting at $20 per month. If your business were to go over our standard package of 5Gig bandwidth (traffic) or 5Gb storage space, a nominal charge of $1.60 per Gig will be added to your bill for the following month.

Each additional Gb of either bandwidth or space counts as a unit. One unit is $1.60/month.

For example:

  •  10GB of bandwidth and space: $20 base + 16 units @ $1.60 = $46/m
  •  20GB of bandwidth and space: $20 base + 36 units @ $1.60 = $78/m
  •  2GB space with 10GB bandwidth: $20 base + 8 units @ $1.60 = $33/m