MPVEX Direct To Voicemail - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

MPVEX Direct To Voicemail

MPVEX Direct To Voicemail

Sometimes, we’d like to avoid annoying things, and sometimes a ringing phone with no one to answer it can be annoying. Right?  With your Metropark Voice Exchange extention, you have the ability to directly call a voicemail or send a caller to someone’s voicemail directly, without having to listen to 4 or 5 rings and the other people in the office can avoid hearing those 4 or 5 rings too.  How nice is that!!


Call directly into voicemail

Just add ** before the extention you are wanting to leave a message with. That’s it!!  (shhhhh, they might be at their desk, but you can secretly leave them a message without ringing their phone.)

Transfer a caller to voicemail

YOU might say:  “That person is not available, would you like to leave a message in their voicemail?”

CALLER says:  “Sure”

YOU say: “One moment, I’ll send you directly to their voicemail”

hit the TRANSFER button, enter **, enter the extention, then hit TRANSFER button again.

Note: some phones might have a Send button and a B.Transfer button.  If you hit send, you might be hearing the voicemail and not the caller, so practice using the Transfer button or the Blind Transfer button.




Direct to VoicemailSend call directly to voicemail. IE. Blind Transfer to **101