MPVEX Voicemail
“Hey, there! This is John Smith. Please leave me a message with your name, number, and the reason you’re calling. If you also tell me the name of your favorite movie, I’ll make sure to move you to the top of my call back list. Have a great day!”

Voicemail was invented by a man named Gordon Matthews. He was out of town on a business trip during the late 1970s. He became frustrated that he was playing “telephone tag” while trying to contact some key people back at his office. When he returned home after the trip was over, he told his wife that he was going to invent a telephone system where people could send each other recorded messages. Just like most entrepreneurs Matthews started a business. He called it Voice Message Express. Those of us old guys remember it as VMX Voicemail. He started the business with six people and by 1983, Matthews had invented a voicemail service and applied for a patent. That’s when a big company called 3M swooped in to buy the invention and another company called Dialogic made it available on a PC for everyone to have access to voicemail. Gordon is no longer with us, but his invention lives on. If you’d like to leave a message wait for the beep!!
That’s the story…
So, from the concept, to the patent, to the general public, voicemail technology started out rather fast, But voicemail as the necessary business tool that we know today, took a little more time. By the late 1980s and beginning of the 90’s all big businesses had voicemail, and by the 2000s just about everyone else had it too.

MPVEX Voicemail is delivered to you in a bunch of ways. We can be old fashioned and blink a light on your phone, but we prefer to send you the complete voicemail in your email as an audio file. Literally, in mere seconds after someone leaves your a voice message, you can be listening to it from your email’s inbox… where ever you happen to be!!
Let’s dive into some tips on the settings and managing your MPVEX Voicemail:
Accessing Voicemail Settings
Most functions listed below require you to access your MPVEX Voicemail Settings. There are three ways to do so, each for a different means of access.
Access via one of your assigned devices
These are devices that are assigned to your extension number. This is the most simple means of access
- Press MSG button or press ** plus your mailbox number. Example: **1234
- You will be prompted for password/PIN; enter PIN followed by # sign.
- You will be prompted to
- (1) Listen to New Messages
- (2) Review Saved Messages
- (5) Change Settings
Access via an on-network device that is not one of your assigned devices.
These are devices that are of your company network, yet not assigned to you.
- Dial star code *97
- You will be prompted for a mailbox number; enter your mailbox number followed by the # sign.
- You will be prompted for password/PIN; enter PIN followed by # sign.
- You will be prompted to:
- (1) Listen to New Messages
- (2) Review Saved Messages
- (5) Change Settings
Access via an outside line.
This would be any device that is not a device in your company network. For this means of access to be possible, your company phone number must be routed to a menu that has an option for Check Voicemail
Dial your company number.
at the menu, dial the option for Check Voicemail
- You will be prompted for a mailbox number; enter your mailbox number followed by the # sign.
- You will be prompted for password/PIN; enter PIN followed by # sign.
- You will be prompted to:
- (1) Listen to New Messages
- (2) Review Saved Messages
- (5) Change Settings
Setting up your mailbox through the phone
- Access Voicemail Settings as described above in Accessing Voicemail Settings.
- After choosing option (5) of Voicemail Settings, you will be prompted to dial:
- (1) Record mailbox greeting
- (2) Change your name
- (3) Reset PIN
- (0) Return to main menu.
(1) Changing your Mailbox Greeting
- Access Voicemail Settings as described above in Accessing Voicemail Settings.
- After choosing option 5 of Voicemail Settings, you will be prompted with options.
- dial (1) for Change Greeting
- You will be directed to record your new greeting.
- After recording your greeting you will be prompted to dial (1) save new greeting, (2) review your new greeting, (3) re-record your new greeting.
- Once you are happy with your recording dial (1) to save it.
- Your new recording will be saved and reported as such by the operator. At this point you can hang up, or carry on with operations as listed in the operator prompt.
(2) Record your name
- Access Voicemail Settings as described above in Accessing Voicemail Settings.
- After choosing option 5 of Voicemail Settings, you will be prompted with options.
- dial (2) for record Your Name
- You will be directed to record your name.
- After recording your greeting you will be prompted to dial (1) save recording, (2) review recording, (3) re-record.
- Once you are happy with your recording dial (1) to save it.
- Your name will be saved and reported as such by the operator. At this point you can hang up, or carry on with operations as listed in the operator prompt.
(3) Resetting your password
Voicemail password can be reset in two ways.
1. Contact your account administrator to have them set the password for you.
2. Connect to your voicemail via phone and reset the password yourself.
- Access Voicemail Settings as described above in Accessing Voicemail Settings.
- After choosing option (5) of Voicemail Settings, you will be prompted with options
- Dial 3 for Reset Password (PIN)
- You will be prompted to enter new password followed by the # sign
- You will be prompted to re-enter new password followed by # sign to confirm
- Your new password will be saved, and reported as such by the operator. At this point you can hang up, or carry on with other operations as listed in the operator prompt.
Checking your voice mail from an outside phone
For this means of access to be possible, your company phone number must be routed to a menu that has an option for Check Voicemail
- Dial your company number.
- At the menu, dial the option for Check Voicemail
- You will be prompted for a mailbox number; enter your mailbox number followed by the # sign.
- You will be prompted for password/PIN; enter PIN followed by # sign.
- You will be prompted to dial (1) Listen to New Messages, (2) Review Saved Messages, (5) Change Settings.
- Dial 1 to review your voicemails
- Reviewing your voicemail(s) – per voicemail
- Dial (2) to repeat current voicemail
- Dial (1) to save current voicemail
- Dial (7) to delete current voicemail
- Dial (0) to return to main menu
Voicemail to Email
This is a feature set by a switch that is just under your email on your dashboard. It is simply set to ON or OFF.
- ON – With this feature ON, any voicemails received will emailed to the email address(es) provided on the voicemail box in addition to the device user. The voicemail itself will be an mp3 attachment to the email. The email body will give the time/date and the to/from numbers. Voicemails may or may not be deleted after this process depending on the Delete After Notification setting determined by your account administrator.
- OFF – With this feature OFF, no such translation or email will occur. You will manage your voicemail messages in the traditional way.
Delete After Notification is a setting governed by your account administrator. It is a simple ON/OFF switch that is only relevant if Voicemail To Email is ON. Contact your account administrator to have this feature set accordingly.
- ON – With DAN set ON, voicemails that are translated to text and emailed will then be deleted from voicemail server after emailing.
- OFF – With DAN set OFF, no deletion will occur. You will have to manage your voicemails manually. Voicemails will be left on the voicemail server until you delete them or until they expire.
Voicemail to Voicemail
To send a voicemail from one device to another, follow the steps below:
- Access your voicemail using any of the methods above
- While listening to a message you would like to send, press 3
- You will be prompted to enter the mailbox number of the recipient
- You will then need to leave a Leading Message for the recipient.
- Press Pound (#) to finalize the transmission.
Dashboard / Boomea Voicemail
As a basic user with your dashboard enabled, you can access voicemail from your Boomea dashboard. You can listen, save, and delete your messages from a simple, elegant interface.
- Located on the left side of the Boomea dashboard under the voicemail recording tape icon
- If there are any voicemail New messages in your mailbox, you will see them listed.
- Filter messages to show All, New, Saved, & Archived
- Each message will show the Date & Time, Caller ID Name, message player, and actions
- If you have elected to receive Voicemail Transcriptions, the message in text form will be listed
- Each message can be saved, deleted, archived, added to a Task or Note
- If there are no messages in your mailbox, there will be nothing under the header..
Nimbus Voicemail
As a Nimbus Softphone user, you can access voicemail from your Nimbus Home Screen. You can listen, save, and delete your messages from a simple, elegant interface.
- Located on the Nimbus Home screen press the round circle named Voicemail.
- View the saved and new voicemails in a very easy scroller function.
- Voicemail listened to will be shown in dark color
- Voicemail not listened to will be shown in light color
- Press the down arrow to view the play button
- Press Play button to listen
- Slide to the right to mark as new
- Slide to the left to delete
Benefits of Voicemail in your Business
- Most clients actually prefer leaving voicemail messages
- Allows clients to leave more details about calls
- You can prepare for calls and callbacks better
- Immediate remote delivery via email or softphone
- Voicemail is convenient for all parties
- Voicemail messages can’t be lost or distorted
- Clients are never put on hold
- You don’t need a secretary/receptionist
- Optional: Voicemail Transcription